We’re on 286 sessions left for the year! I mean who’s counting?

UPCOMING COOL STUFF! The weekend of the 29th is gonna be FIRE if you’re one of us 🙂 Saturday the 29th, we’re gonna be smashing a 5k Row as a gym. It’s a proper event, multiple heats, a discussion on pacing and starting/finishing, we’ll get the schedule up soon. It’s gonna be rad. Come and go for a record! Sunday the 30th! We’re going snowshoeing! A few years ago we went to the Nordic Center on Stevens Pass and that worked out really well, I’m looking to do that same deal this time! More deets to follow for sure, but save the date, and clear your calendar! As for Snowshoeing, remember guys, you are 100% in charge of your own action, parking, driving, permits, chains, everything. I haven’t yet been able to find a hook up on a tour bus and a driver, if you know a guy, holler!

The Workout:

For time:
30 snatches 135/95