Hey guys!  12 days are each Monday through Thursday for the next 3 weeks!  Friday is the make up day if you missed ONE, if you missed two, there’s no making up, do the heavy day and then get in here Saturday for a burner!  If you make all 12 you’ll get a great sticker!


Monday: #1

1 rep max weighted pull-up

Tabata Pull-Ups


Tuesday: #2

12th Anniversary “Grace”

30 Clean and Jerks for Time 135/95

Wednesday #3



2x 800m Run test


Thursday: #4

20 minutes AMRAP of

5 strict knees to elbows,

10 push-ups,

15 med ball cleans 20/14


Friday: or make up day if you only missed one!

Sumo Deadlift x5



FGB Style but with

Hang Power Cleans 95/65,

Ski Calories,

Bike Calories,

Box Step Overs with 45/25,

Inverted Burpees

3 rounds for reps