Great work so far guys! Killer intensity through the Open WODs, great mindset through each week to recover, train well, improve on what’s given to you each day. I love it. Stay strong and keep gaining!
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
Power Snatch for Max 3
Come get your sticker, and your legs ready for 19.3!! Should be easy after 19.1 🙂
150 Wall Ball Shots for time!
GHD Warm-up, full series, pistol practice ~20 minutes, legless Rope Climb Practice ~15 minutes, strict pull-up or muscle up practice for the rest of class
19.3 – whatever it shall be 🙂
Saturday: remember there’s an asterisk here that says “subject to change” if 19.3 has ring dips, guess what we aren’t doing on Saturday: ring dips 🙂
Ring Dip for 3 rep max and all upper body accessories
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