
posted a day early to make sure Terra knows that it’s an “endurance” day, ha Workout for Tuesday September 20th: 12 Minutes as Many Rounds as possible of: 9 Burpee Pull-ups 15 Toes to Bars 21 DB Push Presses...


yep Workout for Monday September 19th: This complex for max weight: 5 Deadlifts 5 Power Cleans 5 Front Squats Try to do all the reps together, touch and go.

Saturday!! Who knew?!

posted now Workout for Saturday: 30 seconds of Hang Power Snatches 85/60 10 seconds to get on the rower 50 seconds Rowing for calories Trade Rounds with two buddies (yeah groups of three), without stopping, until all three friends have done 6 (six) rounds, for a total...

Friday's are for Fenris

posted because I miss Teague and he’s super into Norse things, like Fenris Workout for Friday September 16th: Press for Max 5 Once completed with this herculean feat of strength. We will commence immediately into messing you up with accessory work to further...


posted a day early for you to think about how we don’t have a “Karen” that comes to the gym, imagine how sad she would be when she finds out that her name is like the most hated workout of all time Workout for Thursday September 15th:...