Couple new things you guys!!

AM On Ramp Sessions – YAY 🙂 These are for current On Rampers and for those about to rock (whom we salute). They’ll be Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:00am starting April 12th. Jesse will teach Tuesday and Emily will teach Thursday. Onward and upward!

Workshops and Seminars: get excited and ready for a 3 week nutrition series starting once the Open gets finished, I’m doing my reading, how about you? You can always learn more, as long as it’s from a source worthy of your valuable time!

Great WODs this week you guys! The coaches are really impressed with how everyone is taking to the Clean! Taking these big movements seriously is what takes your training to the next level. Let’s take a second to go over the false grip.

First off, guess who’s hand!! Post to comments. Second, notice how the fingers are useful but the weight is really placed on the flexors of the forearm. This link is great, notice the “all flexors converge here” point, if you get itis there, back off the pressure in your false grip 🙂 Other than that just flex hard and hang on!!! Muscle-Up drills are great for warm-ups and should not be neglected!! If you’re drawing a blank on what those drills are ask your instructor in class when you come next and we’ll take care of it.

Rock on!