Tuesday’s Wonderful Muscle Project

Here we go! Get the blocks out, have a good time! Work up the weight in the higher rep sets, and then when it’s time for the singles go for it! The Workout: 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Split Jerk

Monday! This should be quite the blitz!

Simple, bold. That’s the foundation of good CrossFit programming. With any luck we’re in the 7 minute land on something like this (longer is certainly OK) and it should be brutal! The Workout: 4 Rounds For Time: 20/14 Calorie Row 20...

Saturday’s 8:00am Power Hour!

Anyone wanna get breakfast after? If you’ve got knee protection (simple knee sleeves are perfect) make sure you bring those, and then lunging outside works really well. If you don’t have them, think about picking up a pair locally somewhere, you’ll...

Roll out the mats and let’s get to it!

Hey guys, here’s a goodie 🙂 Scaling will be plentiful as will practice and options. Be excited to train this handstand stuff, and to improve your pull-up power! For Time: 15-12-9-6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups Complete 10-ft. handstand walk after each set of pull-ups I...