New GHD pads this week! A fixed toilet in the ladies room! A new jump rope set up (don’t be the one to mess it up)!! Amazing.

I went to two memorials this weekend, loads of emotion man. REMINDER: it sure is smart to set aside some things for the future, plan ahead and all that, but you sure as hell better live for right now too. Wyatt Earp got told to “live,” by Doc on his death bed. Time waits for no one. Whatever little saying you like “Yolo,” “Memento Mori,” et hoc genus omne, let it motivate you for what’s to come and how to get there. You certainly will.


Monday: As a complex for Max: Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Snatch

Tuesday: 24 Wall Ball Shots, 12 Calories on the Bike, Rest 2 Minutes, 5 Rounds

Wednesday: Jerk for Max

Thursday: Max Rounds in 20 Minutes of: 6 Pull-ups, 11 Push-Ups, 100m Run, or 4 Pull-ups, 8 Push-ups 100m Run, wear a weight vest

Friday: Overhead Squat for Max

Saturday: Teams of 3! Row 300m causes the rotate, Station 1: L-Hang, Station 2: Alternating Pistols, Metrics: ST1: BE a good person, ST2 Max Reps

Also, help out Gabby!

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