AM Workout:

Team Workout!! Max Wall Ball Shots (20-10’/14-9′) as a team in 15 Minutes, “20 Floor Wipers” (135/95) cause the rotate

Noon Workout with BBQ for John and Emma!

John and Emma’s Workout: 9, 11, 2021. In a good marriage, the couple shares the heavy lifting, they hold onto not just each other, but all of life’s burdens while simultaneously running around dealing with all of life’s various challenges, and then hopefully, you’ll get some time to travel and recharge and experience the world together.


Couple Barbell Sumo Deadlifts, Hang on for dear life while partner runs around putting out fires (reps of movements see below), travel with luggage 🙂

9 Couple Sumo Deadlifts (grab the end of the barbell, and sumo dead together)
Buddy 1 Holds for dear life on the pull-up bar while other buddy accumulate rounds of:
4 Handstand Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
6 KB Swings

***The team accumulates 11 rounds of 4,5,6 but only while a buddy is hanging on the pull-up bar***

-After each buddy has held once, if the team has less than 11 rounds:

Carry objects (bags, backpacks, DB’s etc.) 200m and then start over again, with 9 Couple Sumo Deadlifts

Once the team has accumulated 11 rounds of 4,5,6 TIME! The workout has a 33:41 time cap (2021 seconds)

I’m a nerd, I know. They’re wedding is 9/11/2021, so 9 Deads, 11 Rounds, 2021 Second time cap 🙂