***Saturday!! Noon Workout with BBQ for John and Emma! Save the date, check the gym’s whiteboard for deets, and plan on it!***

Here’s the barbell guys! Come smash this thing 🙂 Get the 15 reps done, rest the remainder of the two minutes, and then hit it again. Very tough training, the weight used should remain the same within the sets, and between the movements. So you’ll naturally have one limiting factor somewhere, and that’s OK.

The Workout:

5 Front Squats, 5 Push Presses, 5 Front Squats every 2 minutes for 10 minutes (5 Rounds)

Strength is a key element to fitness, what we’re doing here is pushing your experiential margins by making you do the lifts again and again when you’re tired, and also in combination, which feels more like real life doing something heavy. It’s good for us!