Thursday’s Leg Destroyer!

Day 8 Guys!  I just don’t know quite what to say guys 🙂 I’m glad these workouts work for you, I’m glad you’re up to jumping on a zoom, getting ahold of me when you have questions, sounding off on the FaceBook group when you finish a workout,...

Wednesday! We got news (ugh) about the gym!

Well, at least Jay did us a solid on scheduling :/ The news is: we’re closed until Jan 4th.  I’m super sorry guys.  I know that the gym is a major source of mental health as well as physical health, and that getting a break from “regular” life...


Hey guys, so the gym is supposed to be open Dec. 14th!  By “supposed to be” I mean that I’m holding out hope that we’ll be back in the gym rocking our classes as we should be that Monday.  I also need to be receptive to further communicaes from...

Saturday and Sunday!

Saturday and Sunday: 9am Saturday: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 543 692 6158 Passcode: 162313 Sunday: Meeting ID: 874 1222 5401 No passcode 🙂   The Workout: 2 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 Burpees 200m Run 15 Toe to Bar 100m Run 9 Ring...