Day 10!!

Zoom Times!: 7, 11, 4:30

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:

9 GHD Sit-ups

7 Bench Presses 135/95

5 Box Jumps 24/20


Home Version:

Max Rounds in 12 minutes of:

9 Banded Ab Mat Sit-ups

7 Clapping Push-ups

5 Broad Jumps or Step Ups on something OK height


The Warm-up:

Take your light band (same one you’re gonna use for sit-ups later) and do pull-aparts and pass throughs with it, then also some rotator cuff work with it also.  Then sprinkle in calf raises and arm swings for a few good minutes, finish this portion with 50 jumping jacks.  Grab a set of ab mat sit-ups, knee push-ups and some simple forward jumps, then another 🙂 On the third set (!!!!) add the band into the mix, make it a clapping knee push-up if that’s where you’re at, and then a handful of effortful jumps.  Once through this, then go ahead and set up what you need, warm-up the barbell a little bit, get your box figured out etc.  The rounds should be rather plentiful so enjoy that, don’t miss your jumps, and make sure the bench press isn’t overloaded for oodles of reps.   Use parallel range on the GHD if that’s a better idea for where you’re at as well.




How high can you get it?  3 Attempts.  Once you’ve maxed it out, try 80% for as long as you can take it (shouldn’t be long) 5 times, rest 2 minutes between efforts.