It’s the 9th day of CrossMass!!



Monday: 6am, 11am, 5:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


Workout:  Adapted from the original Crippler, which used a 1 mile run instead of the row.  I think the row is worse.

“San Francisco Crippler”

For Time:

30 Back Squats 225/155

Row 1,000m

***Yeah, “just” one round.***


Home Version:  Remember guys, as close to the original prescription is the goal for sure.

Some kind of heavy squat.  Hug a weight, hold a KB, hold a big DB, two DB’s you name it.  Weight vest with barbell and hand weights in your pockets.  GET SOME WEIGHT!  Do 30-60 reps of squats with that.

Row 1,000m. Or Bike 2k, or about 4 minutes worth of jumping rope/double unders.  Running can be done, 1200m is appropriate if you’re fast, 800m if you aren’t as speedy 🙂

This should be basically nasty, the squats should roast you pretty good, and then the rest just finishes off the legs and the lungs to a good caramelized topping.  Voila!


Warm-up: At the risk of getting predictable, for days like this with such a hefty squatting component, I think Qi Gong, with Leg Swings is the best way to get everything moving.  Do planks and some air squats to activate prime movers.  Any specific drills you need for you at this point make the most sense, as we start to build up in weight, and/or figure out what to do for the workout.  Once the squatting is taken care of, then switch gears to the second part, get bouncy, or get hippy, those are kind of the two options.  Do some work there either with the rope and running drills, or something like banded GM’s or light KB swings to make room for the rower.  Then get acquainted again with what you’re gonna be doing (row a bit, run a bit, do some doubles) then get ready and blast it!


If the legs don’t wanna play this can be done as an upper body day like this:

For Time

30 Military Presses 115/75

80 Curl and Press with 35/20lb DB’s

It can be done as a deadlift type day if a knee is bugging you like this:

For Time

30 Romanian Deadlifts 275/225

80 Swing Style KB Snatches 53/35 *switch hands every 10 reps*

These are actually kind sick workouts, we might just be doing these coming up anyway….



Since you’ve rowed that 1k in the workout, let’s wait 10 minutes, and then hit another one, and then wait 10 more minutes and hit a third one.  The goal would be to have each get FASTER instead of slower.  I think you guys will recover like maniacs between rounds!