This can also be make-up day too!  Otherwise this is kind of a “free day” but certainly not a rest day!

Friday: 6:30am and 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

For Time:

21 GHD Sit-ups

21 Suitcase Deads Right 95/65

21 Suitcase Deads Left 95/65

15 GHD Sit-ups

15 Suitcase Deads Right 95/65

15 Suitcase Deads Left 95/65

9 GHD Sit-ups

9 Suitcase Deads Right 95/65

9 Suitcase Deads Left 95/65


Home Version:

For Time:

30 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

30 Suitcase Deads Right – With what you’ve got, might be less reps if you’ve got something really heavy!

30 Suitcase Deads Left

20 Ab Mat Sit-ups

20 Suitcase Deads Right

20 Suitcase Deads Left

10 GHD Sit-ups

10 Suitcase Deads Right

10 Suitcase Deads Left



Down Dog and Pigeon Stretches back and forth a few times, to loosen the legs up after Karen, then work through Pistol Progressions (feet together, tight rope, ankle on calf) a good 10-15 reps each side each move.  Take time here, maybe some more stretching is needed to improve your ability here, take it!  Between each step in the progression, work a side plank on each side for :40 seconds or so.


Remember guys!  Suitcase deads are actually really hard.  Keep your body straight, resist the twisting deviating forces on the spine and hips. Don’t get greedy and overload this movement, or try to rep too fast or too many in a row.  I write elite prescriptions!  Scale the weight, and take breaks to make sure you’re strong through the whole workout.



10 Rounds: A great goal is each round under 1:05

Row 23/19 Calories

Rest :45