Hear ye, here ye!  Let’s get after day 3!!  How’s that book coming?  I’m reading “Waterlogged” it’s about hyperhydration killing people despite no science whatsoever touting its benefit.  Yay “sports drinks” :/ I hope you’ve found something really great to read that’s giving you some serious enjoyment, rather my what I’m reading that’s only serving to make me more upset at the status quo.


Zoom classes: 6:00am, 7:30am, 4:00pm (kids) and 5:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313



The Workout:

AMRAP 20 minutes of:

21 Thrusters (or one sided ones that equal 21 reps in the end)

42 OH Toe Jumps (hold something in your hands, maybe 10 or so LBs

21 Chair Dips (if way too easy, HSPU’s are OK, or add weight to your lap)


Thrusters I know you guys know!  Front Squat into Push Press, I know you know this!



Standing Qi Gong (Knee hugs, ankle/knee hugs, touch toe kicks, pull foot to butt, over/unders, lunge with arms overhead)

Arm Circles and shoulder shrugs

Down dog to Push-ups 5-10x

Practice the moves and GO!