posted a day early because that’s just how it should be

Workout for Monday November 7th:

Quick warm-up, nice and smooth

“Looks can be Deceiving”

15 Power Snatches 75/55
10 Overhead Squats 75/55
5 Burpees

3 Rounds for Time

The Goal with this workout is to be under 5 Minutes!!! If the weight needs to be lighter, or there needs to be 3 burpees, whatever it takes for SPEED of repetitions with consistent safe technique to occur is king. I predict major brutal stuff to go down here.

Now that everyone’s fully stimulated, work the rest of the time on getting better at Overhead Squatting. That might mean position work (Nelson), that might mean more back squats (Lynch), that might mean some special drills (brent), or just more reps with increasing weights to gain better control and strength (most everyone, but all Bens for sure!!). Depends on what your coach has in mind for you. Lucky you all that your coaches have opinions that count for something!!