Halloween week! It’s on a Tuesday, that’s whack. But whatever, we’ll have some fun that day, I hope you can make it in, you’ll dig it. Details below. If you’re a costume person, cool rock it, I’m not particularly into it, I’ve tried many times in the past, and it doesn’t typically work so well. Example: I did a lumberjack one year, and people thought I was just wearing that, and didn’t even think it was halloween. HA.

No schedule changes dues to halloween. 5am classes on Wednesday (show up, y’all said you’d be there), and night classes on Tuesday. Thanks!


Monday: 3 Deficit Handstand Push-Ups, 6 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 155/105, Accumulate 18 seconds in an L-Sit. Max Rounds in 6 minutes, two minutes rest, then again in 4 minutes, 2 minutes rest, then 2 minutes AMRAP again

Tuesday: Bring a deck of cards, NOT A PINOCHLE DECK, seriously. See below.

Wednesday: Annie

Thursday: The Chief

Friday: Ring Muscle-Up Day! WorkShop + Strength Training

Saturday: Buddy Buddy Push Press 3 Rounds of 5×5, 65/45, 95/65, 125/85, 155/105, 185/135

For Tuesday: Run through the deck by flipping one card at a time and doing what that card says:

E.g. An 8 of Spades means do 8 Deadlifts, a 5 of hearts means do 5 pull-ups, a four of diamonds means do 4 overhead squats, and a 6 of clubs means row 6 calories.

Spades -Deadlifts 185/135
Hearts -Pull-ups
Diamonds-Overhead Squats 115/75
Clubs -Rowing Cals
Jacks -20 Biceps Curls 45/33

Notable Alterations:
Ace of Spades Hold a Max Handstand Hold
Queen of Hearts Ski 15 Calories
“15’s” Skip Whatever Card made the “15”
Pairs Repeat as if prior suit was played

E.g. 3,2,1…GO! I flip over an 8 of Diamonds, I do 8 overhead squats, then I go to my deck and flip over a 5 of hearts, I go do 5 pull-ups, then I flip a 10 of clubs, I would be rowing 10 calories, but 5 + 10 makes “15” so I skip the cals!! So I flip again and get a 10 of Spades, a PAIR! So I act like it’s a 10 of clubs (prior suit) and go row my 10 calories anyway (ha), I come back and flip, I get the Ace of Spades, I go to the wall and do my handstand.

Get it? It’s the whole deck 52 cards for time. Have fun with it, at most is 63 (53 Pull-ups) reps of anything, so the transitions will slow it down, hopefully the ski won’t back up, and yes, Jacks are 20 biceps curls with an empty bar (get jacked.. get it?!)