Hey guys: I hate doing this sort of thing because it causes changes based around money. As everything else has stated in the past few years that “everything’s more expensive” truth is, everything is more fucking expensive :/ PUD, PSE, Light Bulbs ($35 environmental fee on a pack of 12 bulbs), chalk, the ever increasing gym lease, common area maintenance (empty bays mean a smaller denominator in their equation for how much we owe monthly), insurance is more, internet has gone up, hell, TP and paper towels have gone up, even the credit card processing company raised their rate, sales tax got increased last year etc, etc. I’m sorry guys.

I wanna bring up the rates as follows, 1st number is current rate, second number is proposed rate:

3x/week Current $170, Proposed $185
4x/week Current $185, Proposed $200
Unlimited Current $205, Proposed $220

Furthermore, I’m exploring all options to keep rates as low as possible for you guys. 1) if you can pay with a check for 6 months to a year at a time I’d be happy to give a 4% discount on the total (the CC processing fee is 3.75% + $.25 per transaction). Same thing for cash. If you wanna pay the gym in Crypto (BTC or USDC or something like that) I’ll entertain it as well with a similar $ discount based on current dollar rates. This discount for paying up front eats up most of the price increase simply because of the CC fee, damned vultures.

If this really puts you out guys, please let me know. I know it’s brutal out there, and like I said I really do hate to add to it. The insanity that is.

ALSO: Friday the 28th Send off Workout for John!! 4:15pm Class, EN MASSE, and then we hang out afterwards, it’ll be great. BIG THANKS.

Workouts! The fun part 🙂

Monday: FGB Style: Wall Ball Shots 20-10’/14-9′, Rowing for Cals, Jumping Pullups, C2 Bike for Cals, Ab Mat Sit-ups, Ski Erg for Cals rest 3 Rounds for Reps

Tuesday: Bear Complex

Wednesday: Run 800m, 21 Bench Press 135/95, Run 400m, 12 Turkish Get-ups 53/36, 200m Run, 21 Bench Presses 135/95, 200m Run, 12 Turkish Get-ups 53/36, Run 400m, 21 Bench Presses 135/95, Run 800m

Thursday: 5 Rounds for Time of: 3 Bar Muscle-Ups, 33 Cross Over Singles, 3 Deadlifts 315/225

Friday: Power Snatch for Max 3

Saturday: 3, 3 Minute AMRAPs with 1 Minute rest of: 30 Med Ball Cleans 50/30, MAX Handstand Push-ups, 1 Round of 4 minutes at the end. Total of 13 Minutes of work. 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 4, rest.