And we’re so lucky to be able to train with you all!! Seriously. You’re fucking rad, come in everyday, get weird, come back for more, enjoying the process, messing with your diets to get where you want to go, ALL OF IT. Super stoked.

Here we go! The week before the week before Murph! It’s going to be held at Lynnwood CrossFit, it’s a perfect space for this, we’ve got more pull-up bars than anywhere, the mile run is safe and not a redundant loop, we can BBQ there, it’s great. Please sign up on the board so we can plan better for burgers and such, and please bring a dessert or side!

Monday: Clean for Max 2

Tuesday: 3:00 Row, 3:00 Jumping Pull-ups 3 Minutes Rest, 2 Rounds for Cals and Reps

Wednesday: The Chief Max rounds in 3 min, repeat for 5 cycles, rest 1 min between cycles: 3 power cleans 135/95, 6 push-ups, 9 squats

Thursday: Complex for Weight: 5 Presses, 3 Push Presses, 1 Split jerk

Friday: 2 Rounds for Time of: 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Right, 12 Deficit Lunges Right, 12 Pistols Right, 36 Push-ups, 12 Suitcase Deadlifts Left, 12 Deficit Lunges Left, 12 Pistols Left, 36 Push-ups

Saturday: Partner Helen: Use the same scaling as last week, trade rounds with your buddy, rest while they go!