Here we go guys!  Two weeks until we’re back in the gym!  Even if you’re demotivated, struggling to find time, struggling with gear issues, GET SOME REPS IN, so that when you come back to the gym you don’t get smashed sore.  It’s worth it.  If you need help, email, text, or show up to zoom and get some quick advices on what to move and how many.  We’ve got you covered, we just can’t find you and pick you up and make you do work 🙂 Meet us halfway, and then we’ll go all the way together!


Zoom Times!: 7, 11, 4:30

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

Military Press Max 5

Bent Over Rows 5×10


Home Version:

Press what you’ve got and try to get heavier until you can barely make 5.  Maybe even do 5 rounds of 5 reps, with some decent rest in between.  To make the press more difficult, sitting on the floor with your legs straight is harder, kneeling is harder too.  It’s OK to do more than 5 reps if there’s no way to make it more difficult as well.

Bent Over Rows can also be done with just about anything, if there’s nothing heavy enough, one handed is a great option so you can overload that arm/shoulder/back better.  Furthermore, more reps than 10 can also be done too if there’s nothing heavy enough around.  Pull-ups can be a decent option too if there’s bar or rings around, and not enough weight for a row that makes good sense.

Either way, spend time on those arms and make them stronger today!  That’s the goal fam!


Warm-up: QUICK.  Pull-aparts, pass throughs, neck and shoulder rolls, and start pressing.  Let the movement warm things up for sure.  Use the time to lift, and to rest between sets!



3 Rounds

Row 850m – try for a few seconds faster than your 1k pace

Rest 5 minutes