Hey guys 🙂 Here’s the zoom info for the weekend and Saturdays workout, with rowing.  Thanks for thinking what we’re putting out there is cool enough to do.  There was a zoom I was on on Thursday and many gyms are struggling with people doing the stuff, and even really trying, sounds terrible.  So big ups to you guys for staying on it, zooming when it works, trying to make things happen.  It’s FOR YOU after all, and by being together in this, we all help each other.  It’s very human and very cool.

Saturday and Sunday: 9am


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


Meeting ID: 874 1222 5401

No passcode 🙂


The Workout:

Teams of 3:

Max distance in 17 Minutes:

Row 300

L-Sit from the Dip Bars, as long as you can

Broad Jumps, for quality and distance


The Rower times the rotate, work hard on the other two movements!  The 300m Row is about 1 minute of rowing, so if you’re solo, that’s the rotation  time, if you’re a team of two, same deal there, the minute that the shadow buddy is rowing is the same minute. Rock it.  Why 17? so you have time to rotate stations and still basically get 5 rounds each or so.  DON’t worry about everybody getting 5 in, just smash it and have fun!



Home Workout:

Replace the row with what you’ve got, running, jump rope etc.  L-sit from anything STABLE counter top, chairs etc. and the broad jumps, seriously guys, just make sure you don’t slip.  What you land on is super important, if the ground is wet, if the mat slips, if your garage concrete is too slick and dusty even.  Please take time in the warm-up to make your space safe and smart for training!!



Start with Bandy Hamstrings and forward bending work to allow room on the rower.  And then make the point to yourself that to do L-sits, your hamstrings MUST be longer, Ryan, so then stretch them a second time with some gusto.  Stand up and make some leg swings, happy legs.  Get some rounds of Planks, skipping in place (50 reps, get higher as you get warmed up), and push-up supports and shoulder taps.  Maybe like 3-4 rounds.  Then practice a proper row, 300 strong, then set up the Dip station and get it right so you can hold well, and then make a few jumps and feel the quality take off and landing with strong supportive legs.  Then blast it!




2 Minutes Rest


1 Minute Rest


2 Minutes Rest


1 Minute Rest


2 Minutes Rest


1 Minute Rest


2 Minutes Rest
