Friday: 6:30am and 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of:

Right Legged Forward DB Lunges 35/20 (in each hand, so like 70/40) – held anyhow

Left Legged Forward DB Lunges 35/20 (in each hand, so like 70/40) – held anyhow

Alternating DB Split Jerk 35/20 (in each hand, so like 70/40)


The alternating is in the changing of which foot is in front each rep.  There are 55 reps in the workout, one leg will totally have done one more rep to the front that the other.  Mayhem I know 🙂


Home Version:


But use what you have, even if it’s only a one thing, like a barbell, or cinder block.  If you have two things, use two things!



Samson Stretch for sure!  Also after that, so easy rounds of 10 would be wise.  Pull-ups, rows, etc.  Push-ups, sit-ups, and air squats 3 times to get it all moving.  Do 40 Lunges and 40 Jumping Jacks, then practice the footwork for a while on the jerk, alternating can be brutal.  Practice the full move without weight to check for timing issues, then load and enjoy!



6 x 300m with 90 seconds rest.  Down and dirty!