To all you who’ve made it, BRAVO!!  Hardest most interesting year by far.  Way to stay focused and fight through all the BS!

Thursday: 7am, 11am, 4:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:


5 Rounds for Time of:

400m Run

15 Power Cleans 95/65


Home Version:

5 Rounds for Time of:

Run in place 2 minutes, or row 400, or bike 800m, jump rope for 2 minutes etc.

15 Power Cleans with what you got!  (Quality is the goal as always)



Leg swings and Calf raises, a few times of that.  Follow it with a handful of Air squats and some time stretching on the front rack to help alleviate issues (broom stick twists and other fun drills like that).  Do some broad jumps (easy ones) and banded or standing good mornings, to get the hips ready.

Work through this progression after all that:

Deadlift to Mid-Thigh

Deadlift to Jump (arms stay STRAIGHT)

Establish Landing Position (front rack, 1/4 squat, solid body)

Hang Power Clean

Power Clean

Then go about getting your weight right, setting up the monostructural portion, and then go for it!!



Let’s do the test, but with Calories.  Three efforts to see how high you can get it on calories, then try to make 75% for as long as you can, rest 3 minutes at least between go’s and do it 5 times!