Manacle Monday

posted a day early for you to wonder how long it’s been since we’ve done pull-ups Workout for Monday August 14th: 7 Rounds for Time, each time you come off the bar (hands let go at the same time), do 3 burpees 🙂 1 Strict Pull-up 3 Kipping Pull-ups 5...

Saturday's Mega Tiring Day

posted a day early because it’s the thing that should be done, forgives Workout for Saturday August 12th: ~It was supposed to be “Gilligan”, so it’s better than that~ 10 Minutes Biking 10 Minutes Running 10 Minutes Rowing One Round for Max...

Wednesday's Wicked Fun (WWF)

posted a day early because it’s criminal not to tell you Workout for Wednesday August 9th: 400m Walking Lunges, for time. This workout can be scaled!! Lesser distance is one (really) good option, stationary lunges (stepping backwards) are typically much easier...

Tuesday is for the tough

posted a day early to emphasize the need for toughness Workout for Tuesday August 8th: “Nancy” 5 Rounds for Time of: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats 95/65 For Time.

Maximal Monday

posted a day early to quander as to why not “optimal” Workout for Monday August 7th: Jerk for Max 3 Warm-up, get heavy, shift to the blocks, and GET AFTER IT!!