
12.2 Announced!! Lots of Snatches, Power, Squat, Split, Muscle, you name it you can do it! Here’s the plan for all you planners 🙂 Thursday Classes: Option A, Snatch Practice, Drill the movement, work muscle snatch, power snatch and work specifically on stringing...

Core to Extremity

Kipping! It’s been cool since primate times and if evolution is false, then the Good Lord saw fit to bless us with both gravity and the wonder of “Core to Extremity” movement patterns. Kipping helps us get places when hanging from things, make sure...

Get Jacked!

Muscles, they help. Perhaps some training to develop your muscles may be beneficial… Does that mean you should bodybuild?!?! No, but a little maybe 🙂


Remember the snow days we had a month ago… Yikes! What do you do on Weekends? Work? Lay around? Stretch and foam roll, ice your -itis and watch the CrossFit Journal? Spend time with family? Do you hang with people you take classes with? Go shootin’? This...