Check this out

Our very own Sara, GETTING IT DONE!!! She scores our contests and writes our nutrition blog is basically awesome, and typically up to “not much” 🙂 Just another success story, Lynnwood CrossFit...

Double Unders

Check this out. “Perform traditional jumprope actions without the hindrance of a rope” – from the manufacturer Do you think this would help? Alls I’m saying, is that the literal jumping over the rope is so frustrating that someone took the time...

This weekend!

Saturday!! We’ve got some big things happening this weekend, we hope you can make both! 10am Sumner Old Cannery Furniture Store is the site of Rainier’s Strongest CrossFitter to benefit Fraxa, Fragile X research. After that 6:30pm at the ole’...


Big Weekend for your Lynnwood CrossFit crew!! Abi totaled Elite in California at the Pro-Am Powerlifting Meet with a 303lb Back Squat, 176lb Bench Press and a 283 Deadlift, way to go Abi!! Those are awesome lifts. 762lb Total! Connor Nelson!, one of our homegrown 20...


Workout for Tomorrow! Scaling will include Pull-up and Dip work, transition work and all varieties of sit-up nastery 🙂 If there are several who can do this workout as prescribed we will be taking turns and heats to get people a chance to use the GHDs for the sit-ups!...