We’re in Phase 2!!  Hooray!  You should have gotten an email about a meeting, if you didn’t please get ahold of me ASAP and I’ll see where we can fit you in.  Remember, you can’t come to the gym without attending a meeting before, not my rules, Jay’s rules 🙂

Lana and Eileen have the classes today because Carrie and I are at the gym meeting with everyone!  So excited to see you guys, it’s been forever!  Thanks for putting up with our internet shenanigans!


Zoom Times: 7:00am, and 5:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

For Time:

66 Deadlifts with something appropriate (40-80lbs)

33 Box Jumps (16”/12”) or Step Ups

66 KB Swings (35/26)

33 Hollow Rocks

66 ABMAT Sit-ups

33 Jumping Jacks

66 Jumping Squats

33 One Armed Thrusters

66 Single Unders or Split Jacks

33 Half Burpees


Don’t be afraid to scale the reps back guys!!  44/22 makes a lot of sense for a lot of peeps!!


Warm-up should be basically leg and arms swings then getting the movements squared away, and then GO! This one will take a hot minute!