It’s on Sunday, so nothing special 🙂

***NEW THING: Strength/Skill Workshops with Kayla! Starting Saturday, June 22nd running each weekend for the summer and beyond! Ask her for details, payment, times etc!***

Just a heads up about Juneteenth, it’s June 19th, and we’re gonna run a reduced schedule AM and PM type thing, I hope you can make it!

Monday: Back Squat Max 3

Tuesday: “Eva Strong” 5 Rounds (with a Partner) for Time, 24 Double-Unders (together), 19 Toes-to-Bars (split), 2 Clean-and-Jerks (205/135 lb) (split), 400 meter Run (together)

Wednesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes: 1 Muscle Up, 6 Ring Dips, 16 DB/KB Overhead Lunges 25/15 Each Hand

Thursday: GHD Run Down, 2k Row Time Trial

Friday: Daniel For Time: 50 Pull-Ups, 400 meter Run, 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 800 meter Run, 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb), 400 meter Run, 50 Pull-Ups

Saturday: With two buddies! X Overhead Squats 135/95, X V-ups, 4 Wall Walks – Use the Tape Lines like in the Open. Max Reps in 20 Minutes