Thanks for coming and smashing with Tudor you guys!!! I hope you think that sort of thing is cool and special. There’s loads of people all over the world that would LOVE to kick it with a Games Athlete and smash a workout, super cool to be a part of this thing. This week thankfully however is back to normal!

Basically the end of February as well!! Dang! Marching steadily towards March! See what I did there? I’m excited for spring and summer though, wanna do some hikes? Bike Rides maybe? We’re going to schedule a few 5k Runs for the gym to participate in through the summer, so get ready for that! Shoes and such. After this week there wont be gymnastics day anymore 🙁 So come get your fill this week and then we’re back to smashing as always 🙂

Remember guys, same deal FRIDAY night, come hang out, have a blast, crush the final Open WOD, it’ll be super cool.


Monday: Filthy 50’s

Tuesday: Press x5, Push Press x3, Jerk x1

Wednesday: Snatch x2

Thursday: Gymnastics Day

Friday: Open Week 3

Saturday: TBD