posted a day early for your thrilled elation

Workout for Tuesday November 8th:

Clean and Jerk for 1 Rep Max

We ran Snatch for 1RM a week ago, CLEAN AND JERKING IS A BIG DEAL. It’s half of the Olympics as a weightlifter! It’s like running a half marathon at the gym. Doing a pentathlon. Throwing a 4 pound weighted ball as far as possible. We really can’t do half of a gymnastics routine, so let’s not even try!! WHICH is all the more reason why to come try your hand at lifting weights. Certainly is not a “cardio” day, which if I recall the last THREE workouts were, so if you’re looking at this all bummed out that it’s not gonna be like a “good” workout and you haven’t been in in a week, and you wish it was something different, guess what: show up, it’ll be hard enough for sure, and you’ll get fitter and it’ll be great. If you decide to go jogging “so at least you can sweat” shame on you. If you come and try your hardest tomorrow I guarantee you’ll be sweating, and I won’t even turn the heat up.