Nothing out of the ordinary this week, except I suppose the 5k Run on Saturday! The loop at Lynnwood is to run down to Barnes and Nobles, take a right, then run all the way to Target, run between Target and Kohl’s on the sketchy road back there, then simply come back to the gym. Scaling should be done! Less distance, and all the way down to some shorter interval runs within the gyms walls. Try to make an effort to come and train your running Saturday. It’s not about suffering through 3 miles of running, it’s about getting better at running, regardless of where you are on your running journey!

Monday: “Kelly” 5 Rounds for time of: 400m Run, 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″, 30 Wall Ball Shots 20-10′, 14-9′

Tuesday: Dips Max 3, Pull-ups Max 3

Wednesday: “Isabel” 30 Snatches 135/95, for time

Thursday: “Jackie” For time: 1000m Row, 50 Thrusters 45/35, 30 Pull-ups

Friday: Jerk Max 5

Saturday: 5k Run