***NOTICE: We’re closed Monday, thanks!***

Friendly reminder that the CrossFit Open starts next week, the 27th the first workout is released. For some of us it’s awesome, for others it’s nerve wracking, and yet for others it’s an annoyance. Relax 🙂 We do hard workouts every week (see Friday’s workout), it’s one workout that is made for the CrossFit community at large to see who’s the fittest. YOU CAN DO IT, scaled 🙂

Every year people get worried that we’ll suddenly stop taking care of you “because it’s the open.” What kind of insanity is that? We’re friends, we care for you, we often times keep your best interests in mind when you have terrible ideas for yourself. We’re going to make sure that you’re good to go during the Open.

Should even lowly little ole’ me register?? 1) It’s $20, 2) you do CrossFit so why not do the Open? Have you ever been overdrafted? Paid the fee? It’s more than the Open, and this is actually cool. Have you ever lost a water bottle? It was for sure more than $20. Ever bought a stock and had it go down? That’s more than $20, and is only making rich dudes richer. Go register! It’s part of what we do as CrossFitters, The Open 🙂


Monday Closed

Tuesday: Filthy 50’s, Lordy 40’s, Dirty 30’s etc.

Wednesday: Turkish Get-up to 1RM, and Snatch Balance to 1RM

Thursday: “DT” 5 Rounds for Time of: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Power Cleans, 6 Push Jerks 155/105

Friday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 30 DB Snatches 50/35, 20 Box Jumps 24/20, 10 Jumping Muscle-ups

Saturday: “Josh” For Time: 21-15-9 Overhead Squats 95/65 and 42/30/18 Pull-ups