Friday's Feast of Gainz

***Notice: Northwest Fit Meals are now in the gym’s fridge!! Come check them out, they’re really good food. Organic, handmade, weighed and measured, macros are uploaded into the “My Fit Pal” application for ease of recording, and they’re...

Thursdays Non-Variant Awesomeness

***Notice: Northwest Fit Meals are now in the gym’s fridge!! Come check them out, they’re really good food. Organic, handmade, weighed and measured, macros are uploaded into the “My Fit Pal” application for ease of recording, and they’re...

Wednesday's Workout Wear Showcase

***Notice: Northwest Fit Meals are now in the gym’s fridge!! Come check them out, they’re really good food. Organic, handmade, weighed and measured, macros are uploaded into the “My Fit Pal” application for ease of recording, and they’re...

Intervals Schmitervals

posted a day early for your googling of “Schmitervals” try “Fartlek,” it’s a real term Workout for Tuesday September 6th: Do a round of “Kelly” all out: 400m Run 30 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 Then...

Monday Non-Madness

posted a day early for you to wake-up and smell the coffee, with butter and coconut oil, and MCT’s and pure organic vanilla extract Workout for Monday September 5th: Clean and Jerk for 3 Rep Max We did CnJ for 1RM a few weeks ago, now let’s see about...