Friday's "Open"ing

Posted a day early for you to watch! Workout for Friday March 4th: Open 16.2, I don’t know what it is, so watch at to find out, it should be starting roughly at 5:00pm. Rock on!

Thursday's Pressing Matter

posted a day early for your understanding Workout for Thursday March 3rd: Bench Press 5×5. This is a good day to come to complete your training each week. The last thing we want to do is get less strong during the Open. The way to ensure that is to keep lifting...

Wednesday's Almost Kelly

posted a day early for your appreciation of my leniency 🙂 Workout for Wednesday March 2nd: 400m Run 20 DB Hang Power Cleans 40/25ish 20 Box Jumps 24/20 5 Rounds for Time