It's really happening

posted a day early because it’ll help you to be organized Workout for Thursday July 9th: As many rounds as possible in 12 Minutes of: 12 Bench Presses 155/105 3 Rope Climbs 15′

Wild Wednesday

posted a day early for your foam rolling Workout for Wednesday July 8th: “Christine” 3 Rounds for Time Row 500m 21 Box Jumps 20″ 12 Deadlifts at Bodyweight

And another one…

posted a day early for your excitement Workout for Tuesday June 7th: For Time: 20 Walking Lunges 10 Knees to Elbows 30 Double Unders 30 Walking Lunges 15 Knees to Elbows 45 Double Unders 40 Walking Lunges 20 Knees to Elbows 60 Double Unders 50 Walking Lunges 25 Knees...


posted the day before for your ability to plan Workout for Monday July 6th: Snatch Balance practice and work up to a max transition into Snatch Grip Deadlifts work up to max triple

Happy Fourth!!

Posted now for your revelment Workout for Boom Day 🙂 Fight Gone Bad, Tag Team Edition 30 seconds on, then trade with your buddy for 30 seconds of: Wall Ball 20/14 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 Box Jump 20″ Push Press 75/55 Row for calories No rest 3 rounds for...