What’s the common thread in these pictures??? Toes up landings!!! Why? You don’t need to stop yourself every step of the way!! You’re trying to run faster and faster, yet we keep slamming that heel first into the ground like the great brake that it is 🙂
Come to D’s running workshop and fix your stride, I guarantee you that running correctly produces zero injuries, running like this will however produce injuries, nearly all the time… Your pick.
Um…….when is D’s class?
On the left side of the page is an events list, it’s on there, on the right side of the page there is a link to our event calendar which also will take you to our store where you can register and pay for the clinic. I hope this helps 😉
You almost killed me with those “burpees”!! It was a great workout and lots of CREDIT goes to everyone who was able to complete it even if it wasn’t done as prescribed. Remember, I am not a “spring chicken”!! You push me and I am glad for it. Otherwise, I would probably end up in some Nursing Home!! Thanks Jess. Can’t you get some more “older” people in???