So here’s a new one.



I get a phone call one day.  A guy tells me his name, and that he wants to train with one of our trainers.  Sounds great!  For whatever reason I don’t give out her number but rather get his.  I felt like I shouldn’t give it out, which to a prospective client is awfully weird.  So, I give her the number and she recognizes it from somewhere, but the name doesn’t click.  I tell her to call it from a pay phone if she’s creeped out about in case he just wants her number.  She calls him, and lo and behold it’s an old co-worker who’s trying to recruit her to be a general manager for the gym he works for AND that he gave me the wrong name so that she would call him back.


Would you want to hire someone who you know wouldn’t call you back if that person knew it was you on the other end of the line?

That’s a little too shady for this guy.  We’ll just keep to basics, good people, more of them, and the not oft-enough muttered; "less talk, more chalk".


Clan Cheiftan Out.