Austin is very tired in this pic while doing "JT" on Tuesday.
The Lynnwood CrossFitters are getting better across the board, gains, PR’s, weight lost, friendships made all the good stuff Yet there is more to be had!!
Saturday June 7th – next next Saturday Jesse will be hosting a class on "Hard Routines" (CrossFit Journal May ’08). The goal being to work on the other areas that control your results, nutrition, sleep, hydration etc. This will be a focused session around an hour in length resulting in the generation of a plan to advance your fitness individually.
The cost is $10. Lynnwood CrossFitters can use up one of their weekly classes to attend!
The class will kick off at 9:00AM following the 8:00AM class.
Choose to attend. Make the most of your time. Fully engage your life.
Go Huskies.
Austin you are a stud=)
Hard knocks, hard core, now “hard routine” I
can hardly wait!!!!
Who let the dogs out! you should check it out sometime – it’s a really good website.
I think it’s the understatement of the millenium!