Oh the double why do I loathe it? Well, truth be told, I don’t loathe it for Olympic Lifting, so we’re gonna snatch! I dislike doubles for Powerlifting because: the logic goes like this. If you can do X for 2 reps, why not just do X+5 once? That’s literally as far as the logic need go. Think no further my child. Lift the weight.

The workout:

Power Snatch for best 2

Doubles in Olympic lifting are cool because the weight is lighter, and while its the most you can do, your body can handle the stress of lifting near limit weights multiple times easier here than with say a pure deadlift. Nasty a deadlift for a double. That second rep is a KILLER. Stoked to see how much you guys get! Doesn’t have to be touch and go, but certainly should be in RAPID succession.