YO! Thanks for your rowing feedback on ladies scaling and such. My heart is genuinely warmed by your thoughtful comments and any hint of suggested need to reduce distance in the prescription will be stricken from the record. Because let it be known that the women of LCF are bad ass.
If the distances on the row should be scaled to preserve the intensity and intended stimulus of the workout, regardless of gender, then by all means scale it.
The Workout #3:
3 Rounds for Time
Row 500m
21 Push-ups
12 Strict Toes to Bar
A strict Toe to bar, simply does not use a back swing to gain momentum to help the movement. Some animals make them look pretty easy, do not be fooled: they are just really strong people, they’re not cheating. Kipping them is certainly a scaling option that can be used, as is any number of helpful modifications to build your capacity towards that ability. Bravo!
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