This is gonna be awesome! Just as awesome as yesterday only waaaay more stationary. Instead of going all over and getting very fit, today you’ll stand basically in place and get very fit! Always been a very funny concept to me, standing still and getting really fit. But it’s true! Snatches are complex, fast and require a balanced body, overhead squats are a skill transfer exercise to the snatch and thus require the same components albeit to a slightly lesser degree. This delivers an amazing stimulus and challenges everyone to improve.
The Workout:
10 Rounds for time of:
1 Power Snatch 185/125
3 Overhead Squats 185/125
The barbell should remain the same weight for each exercise and you just jam through it. Super awesome stuff! Certainly Cleans and Front Squats can be used, but overhead is the goal today. I think maybe the clean version will be making an appearance soon…
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