Maximum rounds in 12 Minutes? Dang. I’d get like 1 maybe, with less weight 🙂 AND THAT’S OK! Certainly it’s cooler and indicative of high levels of fitness if you get more than 1 round, 2, 3, whatev, but turning up and doing what you’re capable of is all that’s ever asked 🙂
Max Rounds in 12 Minutes of:
60 Double Unders
40/30 Calorie Row
5 Deadlifts 275/225
This workout will test and develop our ability to be focused to lift heavy weight after huffing and puffing through some serious cardio-type work (jump rope and rowing machine). This is a very life normal task, get kinda tired, and then move the heavy thing. Happens all the time in real life, not like city life, but like country life.
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