**ALSO, Friday we’re doing a legit 30 minute Hero WOD, it’s gonna be awesome. ON FRIDAY also, we’re doing “Grace,” if you want to before the workout kicks or after, or at another time during the day, or at home with video. Beyond the Whiteboard dot com is doing an event where you can submit the video of you doing it, and buy a T-shirt with your level on it. There’s scaled options, Rx’d options all that stuff. I put this out to you guys only if you’re a current member of BTWB (Beyond The White Board) because it’s a way to make you join them and pay money, which isn’t a waste because they do provide a stellar service for tracking workouts, but it does cost money. It’s up to you, if you want to do it, and submit it to BTWB it does have to be videoed, so plan for that, but heck yeah, let’s do it and have some fun that way!**
9-6-3 of Cleans 185/135 and Accumulate 1 minute of L-Sitting Between sets. for time
A couple things: “accumulate” means that it might take you multiple sets of L-sitting to reach 1 minute actually spent in an “L.” All that does is add to your total time! Same with the cleans, the longer they take the longer it takes. So get your P-lets out, and get your barbell and let’s get to it!
The strongest and most flexy will win 🙂 Really cool fitness “test” and for the rest of us, a really tough workout, you’re welcome.
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