This one looks “fun!!”

Friday: 6:30 and 11:00

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


The Workout:

“Grace + Lighter Grace”

For Time:

30 Clean and Jerks 135/95

-change ‘yer weights-

30 Clean and Jerks 95/65


Quick Q&A: yes as written changing your weights is part of the Rx, if double unders test fitness, changing your weights does too.  Using two bars that are pre-loaded is scaling.  HA!

Scaling: Change the weight so that it’s appropriate, generally we want the workout to take about 6-10 minutes.  Too heavy is a different beast all together. Be kind to the shoulders, this workout is a bear on them.  Using DB’s is very smart if the front rack is uncomfortable.  If a shoulder is unhappy, do clean and jerks with the happy arm all the way through the workout.  When finished do some deadlifts that are heavier than what you’d use for this workout if both arms were happy.  Weight vests are a great addition to the 1 DB scaling option too.


Hamstring Stretches with the bands, leg swings, and good mornings.  Spend some time working the clean and jerk with a stick or light barbell.


Deadlift Jump

Power Clean

-put the bar down-

Dip and Hold hands at shoulders

Jump and land


-grab your bar-

Full Push Jerk

Full Power Clean and Jerk


Then go about loading more weights, and getting things feeling right, and then jam out!!



3 Rounds for Distance

50 Seconds

Rest 20 Seconds

40 Seconds

Rest 20 Seconds

30 Seconds

Rest 20 Seconds

20 Seconds

Rest 3 Minutes