Keep scrollin’ scrollin’ scrollin’ scrollin’ come on!  (It’s from a 90’s rap-rock hit)


I’m not sure when (shipping and such, you never really know) but we will be done with the current state of operations by the end of October (shipping may be delayed a month due to shortages Rogue says, as if Squat Racks weren’t “essential” pfff) if not a tad bit sooner!!  For all you worriers out there, what that means is we’ll have more zones, better equipment, you can come more than three days a week (we’ll have a different workout every day and everyone will do the same thing!!!), the costs will change again and for the slightly better (I’ll detail below), we might have Sunday’s stop being a thing, and hopefully everything will feel fucking way better.

Huge thanks for putting up with this current insanity.  This is not how I wanted my gym to operate, and not how it will operate into the future 🙂  Initially the thinking was that this might be a passing thing, and now I don’t particularly see anything changing anytime soon, so we’re gonna change how we’re doing things: keep being smart on cleaning and being safe, add a ton (almost $15,000) more gear so we can have more zones and our outside training area which will be set up before the end of September (Yay running!!!!) so we can spread out and really huff and puff with impunity, and we can get back to getting after it 🙂

Stay tuned, but I just got things finalized, and so I wanted to share with you guys my excitement for what’s to come!!

Money Stuff: PLEASE don’t start asking me individually about it.  Here’s the big picture items: 1) as membership grows the base dues will decrease ($$=gyms costs/gyms members) 2) couples will get a 25% discount off that base dues rate 3) the class fee will change depending on how many people are actually in attendance, from between $9 and $5 per class (more people you pay less, less people you pay more, seems fair).  Again, we’re not there yet, please don’t ask me about it, it’ll be laid out super clearly and presented eloquently and the calculations will be transparent. If I could find a way to turn this thing into a Co-op I would but with our ownership structure there isn’t a way to really do that, so let’s do this instead.  Thanks!!

Next: Cornucopia.  Thanksgiving, it’s a big deal.  Planning has begun, get ready to be called upon 🙂  That is all.


Friday’s Workout and Row:

Zoom at 11:00am!!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158

Passcode: 162313


YOGA ON SUNDAY at 5:00pm

Zoom ID: 874 1222 5401

No passcode 🙂


The Workout:

5 Rounds for Reps

:45 on :15 off Kneeling Squats (hold onto something so it has some weight to it)

:45 on :15 off Hand Release Push-Up to 1/2 Push-up

:45 on :15 off Hollow Rocks


How filthy am I in this demo video!!  I forgot we needed it and I just got in from working on my truck for a few hours!!  WHOA!  HAHAHHA 🙂


Warm-up: something on the order of:

Arm Swings

Push-up Pluses

Balance Drills and Single legged stuff


Practice and load the moves and




20 Rounds of:

30 seconds on, 15 seconds off.



Saturdays Workout:

50 of Each, for time!

Squat Jumps

Box Jumps/Step-Ups


Swings of somekind

Jumping Pull-up/Hollow Rock Pullovers

Push Presses (bar or DB’s)

Hollow Arch – again?????!?!?  Yep, again 🙂



Double Unders/Rotating Jumps


Don’t hesitate to scale the reps to 20, 25, 30 or 35 of each, this workout is long enough already, don’t go too crazy!!

We’re going for a 25 minute deal here or so 🙂

The Warm-up is doing a handful of each movement, and getting ready for it mentally 🙂


Rowing for Saturday:


Gents: Max Meters in 17 Minutes.

Ladies: Max Meters in 19 Minutes

pace accordingly 🙂