Hey guys!  So the Governor came out with our latest date: May 4th.  So we’re running with that now as our operating “due to reopen date”.  WOW.

I hope this is going as well for you guys as it is for us!  We’re hanging out as a family, enjoying each other immensely, filming videos, agonizing over programming the workouts, doing and testing versions of workouts, playing video games, slowly chipping away at our stored up provisions, doing projects and odd-jobs, spending more time on Prime Video and Netflix in 3 weeks than I ever had in my life, not to mention FaceBook and IG!  Zoom!  What a thing that is.  So much internet time.  I feel like a should give “actually” working a try sometime, ha 🙂

We’ll be adding a class starting Monday next week: I need your input team!  7am, 7:30am or 8am!  What’s it gonna be?  Please let me know three things: 1) which you prefer 2) which can work, and 3) which can’t work.

Zoom Class Times: 7:00AM, 5:30PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 543 692 6158


Workout for April 4th:

5 Rounds for Time of:

21 Chair Dips

42 Overhead Toe Jumps

21 Candlesticks



Warm-up: take yer time, it’s a warm-up!

50 Sit-ups

50 Arm Cirlces

50/30 Knee Push-ups

50x Alternating Pistol Progressions (do the same move as in yesterdays workout)