How’s the pecs and hamstrings?!  Hehehe, we’ll just go ahead and cement their affect today 🙂



2 Rounds for GET IT: Moves like the Down Dog to Leaning Rest tend to mess up “for time” workout settings, don’t think to hard about it, work hard on the reps, and stretch into the moves, be fit!  Experiment with a range of weights and implements for the different movements.

12 Split Squats Right

24 Lawn Mower Pulls Right

12 Splits Squats Left

24 Lawn Mover Pulls Left

12 Down Dog to Incline Rest

12 Splits Squats Left

24 Lawn Mover Pulls Left

12 Split Squats Right

24 Lawn Mower Pulls Right

12 Down Dog to Incline Rest



Standing Qi Gong Series: Hug Knee to chest, hug knee with a twist, kick leg out, pull leg back, over/under, lunge stretch, stationary inchworms, do 10-15 in each position.

Practice the moves and weight them appropriately

Cool Down:

Pigeon stretch


Hamstrings Stretch


Over head shoulder stretch


Pec Stretch