Big Weekend for your Lynnwood CrossFit crew!!
Abi totaled Elite in California at the Pro-Am Powerlifting Meet with a 303lb Back Squat, 176lb Bench Press and a 283 Deadlift, way to go Abi!! Those are awesome lifts. 762lb Total!
Connor Nelson!, one of our homegrown 20 year old green blooded metal eating mutants placed second in CrossFit Taranis’ Winter Challenge!! A well designed and tough contest run by one of the best gyms in Canada!
Read about the Winter Challenge Here details to be posted in a day or so certainly!
Super proud of both of them!
If you want to help load weights and change out gear. You’ll have one heck of a weekend on January 21st and 22nd, you’ll get tired, hands beat up, maybe a little bit of a tight back, dirty, someones DNA on your hands/rag with clorox, but, you’ll also get this sick sick sick t-shirt just put together by out own Teague Money Lindman. I’ve taken the liberty of putting below a partial view of the design. So awesome!
Join the Reaver Crew.
What’s the age for the Master’s catagory?