Josie and Art, Art and Josie. “My sister and kick your brothers ass!” says Arts T-shirt. True, true.
Special Skills days coming up, everyone needs to work on these basic gymnastic skills! Sunday Feb 13th and March 5th 11:30-1:30, I’ll be coaching whoever shows up on how to improve their hand balancing skills, pull-ups, muscle-ups and dips. I need to make serious mention that these classes aren’t just for those who can already do these skills! This is for “regular” people who aren’t gymnasts, yet 🙂 All the pertinent details are on the right side of the page!
Schedule changes: Sundays at 4:00pm, are moved to 2:00pm. This week however the 4:00pm time stays the same, so Sunday the 13th will have the first 2:00pm WOD class. Good?
Leaning Challenge! We’ve got 10 men entered and 9 ladies 🙂 The official day of reckoning for the gents shall be Thursday night, the 10th of February. Carrie and I are getting away on the 11th (yippee!) so Thursday night it is. 7:30pm. If you can’t make it, too bad, err I mean, let’s take your picture at some earlier time and we’ll put it into the voting mix the night of the 10th. Ladies, get ahold of and figure out when y’all want to get together, I’ve got the cash in escrow earning 10% interest (I wish) so it’ll be ready when we vote and determine the winner!!
Are we doing enough as a club or what?! Sheesh!
What a great picture of two of my favorite “bad to the bone” people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!