For the curious ones:

The Story: Brom Bones (the to be headless horseman) was a Hessian soldier, fighting against America during the Revolutionary War. Katerina (Ichabod’s soon to be wife) was looking onto the battle from afar. Brom noticed her beauty, whilst staring at her his was taken off by a Rebel cannonball, sweet. His spirit and remaining torso, arms and legs, rose after the war to search for Katerina. The problem is that she is married to Ichabod, now Ichabod is in some serious trouble. He has to battle the German headless horseman all over Sleepy Hollow to keep his own head and wife safe.

Part 1:
100 Double Unders
50 Kb Swings (50/36)
5 Rope Climbs
Once for Time

Part Deux:
Run 200m
Bear Crawl 200m
Run 200m w/ Med Ball
25 360 Degree Wall Ball Shots
25 Burpees
500m Row
Rest 1 min
Two rounds for time

Notes: During the workout, you have a “partner” this partner is to throw dodgeballs, volleyballs, bouncy balls, physio balls etc. at you throughout the performance of part deux. While running you are off limits. After 250m on the rower you are also off limits. During the 1 minute rest you are off limits. The 360 degree wall ball shot is done with the partner returning the thrown wall ball to you and then changing position so you have to lob the ball to then and then rotate to where they decide to rotate to, the effect should be dizzying and frustrating.

Awesome work you guys!!