Hey guys! I’ll be back in more of the classes this week! 12 Days out of surgery and I feel as Mr. Wallace says “pretty f*^&ing far from OK” but I’m not all that bad 🙂 I should get the cast off Wednesday, and then we’ll get to see what the damage actually is.

Brent’s send off went really well! With any luck we’ll still see him Saturday’s when he comes home to chip you guys! Mary and Annie did a bang up job of getting him a shirt, a travel PVC pipe and a few boxes of “Chips Ahoy” to celebrate him beating everyone at least once by 2 pounds. Breakfast afterwards was great, we had about 15 of us I’d say. Many eggs were eaten, Nic was defeated by a bowl of doom that seemed ever flowing in it’s gravy-goodness, and good community was had. What a guy 🙂 It’ll be good to have you back in the new year again Brent!

Schedule things coming down the pipe: We’re gonna be closed Labor Day (Monday the 2nd), just a heads up for your planning.


Monday: Back Squat 1RM, use 1-3 spotters and we have safety gear. USE IT.

Tuesday: Can you beat 13 minutes? For Time: Row 500/400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, Run 400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, Run 400m, 21 Power Snatches 75/55, 500/400m Row

Wednesday: 3RM Weighted Ring Row, 1RM Ring Dip/Bar Dip

Thursday: “Holleyman” 30 Rounds For Time: 5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb), 3 Handstand Push-Ups, 1 Power Clean (225/155 lb)

Friday: “Arnie” For Time: 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Left Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Overhead Squats, Right Arm, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 21 Turkish Get-Ups, Left Arm, Use a single Kettlebell (2/1.5 pood)

Saturday: “Other Total” Clean, Bench Press and Overhead Squat TEAM: Budget 90 minutes for this class, with that said: our typical heavy day tempo simply won’t work.

Be prepared for your coach to limit your lifts, and make you go up faster than you’d like to. It’s not supposed to take 30 minutes for each lift to build up slowly in 20lb increments. It also isn’t supposed to be your true 1 Rep Max on all three lifts. Warm-up, Practice and train the clean, then clean for 20 minutes, get out the benches, lay down and get going, about 25 minutes for the bench. Then put all that away and adjust for overhead squats, do a few pass-throughs on the PVC, practice the behind neck jerk, talk dropping from the top, then get into it! 20 minutes of that and trust me when I say it’ll be a 90 minute class! Lift big, be safe, have fun!