YO! Saturday we’ve got a Fundraiser for Doc Steve’s (from the Edmonds gym) friend’s cause. Check it out!

Here’s the link to check out the youtube video:

No schedule changes this week! Yippee! Next schedule things are Juneteenth (June 18th) and the Fourth of July (July 4th) so stay tuned for that but otherwise, as Vasquez says, “let’s rock!”

Monday: Bench Press 1 Rep Max, just for you CC

Tuesday: Max Rounds in 15 Minutes of: 9 Sumo DL High Pulls 115/75, 18 Stationary Lunges, 9 Push Jerks 115/75

Wednesday: For Time: 200m Runs between 10/9/8/7/…/2/1 Toes to Bars

Thursday: Power Snatch Max 3

Friday: 5 Rounds for Time of: Row 21/18 Calories, 12 Burpees to 12” Touch

Saturday: Kili Challenge Partner WOD: Trade rounds of reps, but run together. 10 Rounds for TIme 1 SDLHP 75/55, 9 Box Jumps 24/20, 3 Push Presses 75/55, 4 Power Cleans 75/55, 1 Thruster 75/55, Run 200m